Happy December everyone! Thank you all for making sure you are bringing what you need to class each day! it makes everything run more smoothly!

For the Grade 8’s….A reminder that you need to register online for your Grad trip to Ottawa by the 10th!

Ski Trip forms and money are due by the 11th of December as well…

Remind.com app is now running, to join text @ripley8 or call 289-270-0987 to receive reminders of upcoming due dates!!

Friday begins our next Rotary unit, the Grade 7’s will be beginning Geography and the 8’s Visual Art. Our math measurement unit begins monday, that means Math test for Fractions and Decimals tomorrow!!

Mme. Simone’s class is hosting our Holiday Food drive, if you can donate, please do!

The countdown is on….12 more days until winter break!

Mrs. R 🙂