Month: December 2014

Hour of Code

Today we learned about CODE..71 million people used Code today. What is Code?® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science by making it available in more schools, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science.

We learned how to write code to create our own projects. Here are some of us hard at work!codeday1 Code3 Code2 Code4

The last 7 school days of 2014!

Can you believe it? There are only 7 days left at school for the year 2014! Time flies when you’re having fun….and keeping busy!

By now, EVERYONE should have handed in their short story packages (brainstorming, proposal and edited copies) and their healthy trip menus.

We are working on Measurement. Now that we have mastered (yes, I said it), the formulas for cylinders, circles, rectangles and other shapes (area, surface area and volume), we are working on spending our millions of dollars on creating our dream houses and property! We will continue to work on these throughout the month.

In geography we are learning about land use (residental, commercial, etc) and the pro’s and con’s of building in certain land areas. Science, we will be working on water systems until the end of January.

Remember, our HAT DAY is this FRIDAY! For a $2 donation, you can wear your hat (any hat) alllllllll day at Tec. South! We will be putting the money towards grade 8 activities throughout the year. Next Wednesday night is our Christmas concert–come out and see all the wonderful talent our school has to share. And next Friday, the 19th, is our last day together before the break. We will be carolling in the gym and having our final character assembly in the morning!

Let’s make this a great last 7 days of 2014! 🙂

Mrs. Ripley

Congratulations and a reminder!

Firstly, congratulations to the intermediate girls basketball team who WON areas yesterday at Fieldcrest and will be heading off to Midland on the 10th for COUNTIES! Way to go girls, we are all very proud of you!!!

Also, the weather outside is frightful, but if you’re dressed for it, it can be delightful. Wear warm clothes out when you go, in the snow, in the snow, in the snow! You will need to go outside AT LEAST once a day! Please wear the appropriate clothing for the weather as I cannot (and will not) always be available to stay inside with you all. Fresh air is good for you, and if it is cold (and I have duty outside), you will be expected to go out for recess. Please, PLEASE, dress warmly (hats, gloves, etc), so you don’t freeze while having fun outside!

TEC SOUTH snowmanhaving fun in the snow! ******

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