Month: May 2015

May post #2!

Woohoo! 2 posts this month….I guess things are really starting to slow down (ha ha ha). Just a reminder, Ottawa trip forms are due tomorrow…We need them before we leave (at 7:15am wednesday!). No form, no trip!

Thank you to everyone for their perseverance this month, there’s been a lot going on, and we are all in summer mode, but we push on, the end is near!

PLEASE remember to email, or bring in, your baby photos for the graduation video, I have started and would like to get it well on it’s way! Also pics from the year would be helpful too…

The grad theme is VINTAGE HOLLYWOOD, we are looking for set designers and artists to help with making your grad extra-special, if you can help, or know someone who can, please let me know!
Mrs. R 🙂

ps–25 days left 🙁

All things May!

It’s true! Spring is here! Sorry it has taken so long to post–we’ve been having a great time in Grade 8 and keeping up with the blog didn’t hit my radar!
Here is what has been going on this month:

We are finishing up our Book Talks. Students used their independent reading time to read a book of their choice, they are going to persaude us to read it with their presentation and visual aid next week. Then we will head into our last unit on poetry/folklore!

In Math, we just finished our important unit on Algebra, it was nice to have a high school teacher come in from BDHS to teach us “the Highschool” way. Now we are getting ready for our Probability carnival on the 19th. Work on your carnival games at home so you are ready to go on the 19th!

In Science, we finished our unit on Fluids, and still start Systems in Action soon.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their final payments for the Ottawa trip, it is coming soon and we are all looking forward to going to Canada’s capital! We have slowly started planning for grad too: THeme to be announced next week!

REMEMBER, rugby team plays Monday in the Championship tournament–bring lots of water to hydrate! Track and Field is tuesday….so Ditto with the water!

Thanks for a great year so far–let’s finish of May in the very best way (ha, catch that? Poetry…..)

Mrs. Ripley 🙂

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