It’s so hard to believe that we are nearing the end of October! In some ways, it feels as though school has just begun and in other ways, it feels as if we have been in Grade 8 together for some time!

We will be finishing up our Data Management unit next week. We will be checking in with, to graph the differences and similarities between ourselves and other students in grade 8 across Canada.

Starting in November, students will be working on their Infographics, learning about Canada’s history through posters.

Physical Education, students will collaborate in groups of 4-5 and create and implement games with low organizational skill games to teach the class. Each group will be given a gym period to teach the class their games.

On October 30th, we will have a visitor from Banting come visit our grade 8’s and discuss their upcoming visit to Banting on November 5th!

Stay tuned…it just gets better!